     Keynote Presenter
Name : Dr. Helmut Heugl
E-mail: contact him    (hheugl@aon.at)
Institution or
Vienna University of Technology
Department: Institute of Discrete Mathematics
City: Stockerau
Country: Austria
Thursday, 8h30-10h00
Title of
The influence of technology in several roles of mathematics

Studying the history of mathematics you can recognize that tools have always fundamentally influenced the development of mathematics. The computer, a child of mathematical thinking, has changed the several roles of mathematics as well as the ways of teaching and learning mathematics.

In my lecture I will formulate my thesis concerning the influence of technology by using four roles which mathematics can have:

      Ø Mathematics - the technique of problem solving by reasoning
      Ø Mathematics - a "two phase" process: the abstract phase and the concrete phase
      Ø Mathematics - a language
      Ø Mathematics - a thinking technology

Using these four roles of mathematics I will give concrete examples for some of the changes caused by the use of technology:

      -   A more pupil centred, experimental way of learning with a shift of emphasis from operating to modelling and interpreting.
      -   Technology supports both phases of mathematical activity - the abstract and the concrete phase.
      -   The use of technology allows the students to create new language elements.
      -   The use of technology not only supports cognition - it becomes part of cognition.